In the aftermath of a hail storm and a frustrating reroof, a homeowner came to the AskARoofer experts for some advice on next steps. Sam, a homeowner in Texas, had some hail damage on their roof. When they went to get a new roof installed, they ran into some issues they ...
By FL Specialty Roofing. Use this guide to learn more about the basics of curved roof design and the top materials suited for these structures. When we envision a roof, we often picture sloped sides converging at a peak. However, curved roofs present a modern twist on this classic ...
This homeowner's upstairs kept getting too warm, but they also needed shingles that can stand up to storms. As they tried to decide, they came to our experts for some advice. Ryan, a homeowner in Kansas, was getting a new roof on their house. They figured this was also a great ...
A homeowner looking for advice about keeping their home cooler in the summer came to the AskARoofer experts for some help! Many areas can get quite warm in the summertime, especially where this homeowner lives in New Orleans, Louisiana! In an attempt to mitigate the effects of the hot and humid ...
Wanting to add copper strips to their roof, this homeowner turned to the experts for guideance. Nikki, a homeowner in Los Angeles, California had this to ask about the possibility of adding copper roof strips: Is my 18-year-old asphalt roof a good candidate for copper roof strips? If so, can I get ...
When this homeowner's fascia boards rotted out, they got mixed signals from the professionals who came out to look at the roof and asked for advice. Stephanie, a homeowner in Idaho, had both an inspector and an insurance claims adjustor come out to look at the roof and they gave different ...
Despite his roofer's assurance, Keith is wondering why his new roof tiles do not match his dormer tiles. Keith, a homeowner in England, is concerned about why his new Sandtoft Double Roman Antique 2 roof tiles do not match his dormer tiles and asked: The roofer has used Sandtoft Double Roman Antique ...
This Texas homeowner wanted to know how to optimize water flow and minimize flashing errors in their home renovation and turned to the experts for advice. Embarking on a home renovation project involving roof and siding replacement requires careful planning to ensure optimal results. For homeowners, deciding whether to tackle the ...
Knowing their home was improperly vented, this homeowner turned to the experts to ask which type of ventilation would be best. Mark, a homeowner in Texas, asked about properly ventilating his house: My house is a two story and the roof is improperly vented. The upstairs room is a cathedral ceiling that ...
After adding a patio cover that connects to both sides of the main roof, Bob asks about the best starting point for shingling their roof. Bob, a homeowner in California, had this question to ask regarding their roofing and shingle needs: “I put on a new roof a little over ...