Popular Sports Venue Gets a Breath of Fresh Air

WTI Popular Sports Venue
March 22, 2023 at 6:00 a.m.

By Evelyn Witterholt. 

The Amelie Arena in Florida now has better air quality thanks to Pure Air Control Services. 

Amalie Arena in Tampa, Florida is home to various sporting events and concerts. With many people occupying the building at once and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it became increasingly important for its building owners to make sure the air there was clean and safe. Now, arena employees and visitors can breathe better air thanks to the work of Pure Air Control Services, a service offering of Weatherproofing Technologies Inc. (WTI). 

The arena, which is home to the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team, had always prioritized the air quality in the building. They previously partnered with Pure Air Control Services to consistently clean their HVAC system’s water-cooling towers. To do this, they used their PURE-Steam Coil Cleaning process which cleans the equipment and promotes efficient operations.  

Vinik Sports Groups, who owns the arena, decided to make some more improvements to the arena’s air system after COVID-19. “We wanted to go above and beyond the increased filtration and bipolar ionization already implemented at the air handlers,” said Mike O’Donnell, senior director of planning and projects. “One way we are doing that is through the installation of AeraMax units throughout the back of house, in all smaller spaces that may have multiple occupants.” 

Pure Air Control Services helped the arena select the right air filtration unit, and decided AeraMax multi-stage HEPA air purification units were exactly what they needed. These units are great for professionally cleaning the air through carbon filtration, anti-microbial treatment, HEPA filtration and PlasmaTrue™ bipolar ionization. 

“As a long-time partner of Amalie Arena through Vinik Sports Group, we are proud to have helped continually improve the indoor air quality of the venue over the years,” says Alan Wozniak, president and CEO of Pure Air Control Services. “It gives athletes, performers and fans confidence in knowing they are at one of the cleanest and healthiest facilities in the nation.” 

Learn more about WTI’s Pure Air Control Services on their website

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About Evelyn 

Evelyn works as a writer for RoofersCoffeeShop, MetalCoffeeShop and AskARoofer. When she isn’t writing about roofing, she’s either at the gym lifting weights or curled up on the couch watching a movie. 

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