Roofing Contractor Bull

September 15, 2014 at 12:00 a.m.

Be smart and choose a contractor on his reputation not price.

The attraction of the cheap price is hard to resist and once you have made the decision the result could be like this guy running with the bulls. If you mess with a bull you may get gored.

If I had three things I could recommend to do when choosing a roofing contractor to roof your house . . . . they would be the following: Don’t worry about money at first.

  1. You should never make a decision on price alone. Worry about the price after you find a couple of good contractors you can trust. Ask for recent references with phone numbers so you can call those clients. Ask them how the job went, was there any issues, and if so, how did they get resolved. Did they clean up well? Ask if they would recommend them or use them again in the future. Go by and look at the job. Make sure one of the reference-was a job that had a problem and get the story form the client how things worked out? Quality contractors have a customer list that has jobs that went well. The most contractor would never give you a job that went sideways to call unless you ask for it.
  2. Ask to visit an ongoing job site and go see the crew in action. Look at the project and see if the crews are professionals. No-load music, not messy, someone in control of the project. Visit with the owner of the home and tell them you are considering using the contractor. Ask how the job is going. These people like to talk about their new roof. This will give you a real example of how your job might go.
  3. Ask for references for a job done over seven years ago. This may seem odd but having a job that has weathered a few years of rain gives you an opinion of how good the roofing job was done. It also shows if the contractor has been in business for a while or just a start-up company.

Doing this until you find the two or three, will help find a great contractor to work with. It is a lot of effort but again, take a look at those horns. Don’t get gored. Now that you have found a couple of good contractors the product-line and pricing can be looked at for a final choice of the roofing contractor.

Asking for this information will tell you a story about each contractor. Some may not give you this information freely, with excuses like “we keep our client's privacy” or just never get around to your request because of some reason or other. Don’t take the risk and mess around with the bull. Any contractor that is the solid contractor will have this information ready and available and will be happy to provide it to you.

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